
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's Giveaway Time!!!!

ATTENTION DEAR FOLLOWERS: Need a new kitchen knife???  Post a comment on the blog telling us your favorite thing to cook and why, and you could win one!  It’s sharp. It’s cute.  It has your name written all over it!  Serial killers need not apply.  You must be a blog follower to win…so hurry up and follow if you don’t already!  Winner will be announced Monday, January 17th at 10:00 AM.  Good Luck!

--Andie, Anna, and Kirby


  1. My favorite thing to cook is my mama's Baked Ziti. Every time that I would come home for the weekend from college, I would beg Mama to make this for me. It brings back the best memories of her and is now a family favorite in the Peacock house! Love you girls!


  2. I love to fix Taco Soup. It's cheap, easy, and healthy.


  3. My favorite thing to make is reservations! (This is true) I like to cook comfort foods like mac and cheese and one dish meals like beef stew in the winter and salads and grilled anything in the summer.

  4. My favorite meal to cook is cube steak with homemade gravy, mashed taters, and green beans YUMMO!

  5. spaghetti, because its comforting, filling and there is always enough for leftovers which often taste better the second day.

  6. My favorite thing to cook is Poppy seed chicken, hashbrown casserole, and fresh beans...oh and don't forget the freshly cooked "frozen" yeast rolls..LOL

  7. My favorite meal is poppy seed chicken, hashbrown casserole, fresh lima beans, baked apples and don't forget the freshly baked "frozen" yeast rolls!

  8. I just like to cook, but do not enjoy cleaning up! I cooked a pound cake yesterday that I was able to share, so today pound cake is my favorite.

  9. I just like to cook for people. Spread a little love around that way! I really like to experiment and try new things. Noting really taste the exact same way twice because I am alway adding new stuff to the recipe. Those Knives look ahhhh-Mazing by the way where did you get them?

  10. The knives are from the Kitchen Collection in Opelika. I bought some for myself and they really are awesome!

  11. Hmm this is a tough question to answer but my favorite thing to cook is probably Tofu Piccata...yes that'd have to be my favorite!

  12. My most recent favorite thing to cook is pizza - on the grill. It was much easier to do than I thought it would be, and tastes really good! (IMHO) I've also cooked naan bread on the grill, and found it to be a delicious addition to any meal.

  13. My favorite thing to cook is my Mama's homemade spaghetti sauce. I could really use the new knife to chop my onion and bell pepper. I promise not to use it on Russell even though he took my extra panties out of the suitcase and I had to go commando in Las Vegas for 2 days...
