
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Shrimp and Grits

This is one recipe that I looked forward to making.  Not because I felt like this is a fancy dish to try, or not because I felt like it’d impress anyone.  I wanted to make this for me.  I’ve only had it a few times, but every time I do I just love it.  Therefore, I thought it’d be a perfect recipe to try to re-create.  I found this through a friend’s blog who made this for her husband for their anniversary.  She had rave reviews on it, so I knew it’d be a perfect one to try.  I’m always looking for recipes that others have tested.  That way I at least know that someone out there has liked it before.  Matter of fact, that’s one of my biggest tips: Always read the reviews.  Most recipe index websites all have reviews, and they sometimes give the best tips, so read 'em they can help you out!
This recipe taught me a lot about myself.  I learned that I can’t cook without some sort of disaster.  It always happens, but I’ve learned that that’s OK.  As long as there’s an edible outcome it’s all good!  This time (as always) I didn’t do my prep work, so as I was hurriedly trying to chop my vegetables and sausage, I cut my thumb.  <Blood may have been the secret ingredient.  OK, all jokes aside,  I took a break to clean everything up! > Then, my milk mixture boiled over because I left it unattended.  Now you know, milk boils over and sharp knives go through flesh like butter.
Let’s get on with it. Here's the original recipe.


3 Tbsp olive oil (I used canola because that's what I have)
1 whole red bell pepper, chopped
1 onion, chopped (I omitted)
1-2 garlic cloves, minced (I used 1 tsp of pre-minced garlic)
6 oz sausage, sliced
½ c dry white wine
1/3 c all-purpose flour
2 ¼ c chicken broth
½ c heavy whipping cream
2 bay leaves (I used one)
1-1 ½ tsp Creole seasoning (I probably used more about 2)
3 lbs shrimp (I used 1 frozen bag)
2 Tbsp fresh flat leaf parsley (I used about a tsp of dried)

Step 1:
Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat; add bell pepper, onion, and garlic, and sauté 2 minutes to soften.  Add sausage, and cook 6 to 7 minutes or until browned, stirring often. Add wine, and cook until almost all liquid has evaporated.  This took about 7 minutes

Step 2:
Sprinkle flour over mixture in skillet, and cook about 3 minutes, stirring constantly. (Flour will start to brown.) Gradually whisk in chicken broth and cream; add bay leaves and Creole seasoning.
Step 3:
Bring mixture to a simmer, and cook, uncovered until thick, stirring often.  At this point, I just left  it simmering until I was about ready to serve.
Step 4:
Add shrimp to sauce, and cook 3 to 4 minutes or until shrimp turn pink, stirring often.  This won’t take long!  Take out your bay leaf and serve over grits.

Cheese Grits
Right around Step 3, I made my grits, which in this case was polenta, which is basically yellow grits.  The kind I bought were quick cooking so they only took about 5 minutes.  This is how I made mine, but most any cheese grits recipe will work just be sure to follow that package’s liquid to grits ratio.

2 c milk
2 c water
2 c chicken stock
2 c grits
2 c Swiss cheese
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 Tbsp butter

Bring water/milk/stock mixture to a simmer, add S &P, and butter.  Then, whisk in grits. Next, whisk in cheese. Continue stirring for about 5 minutes; keep warm.

This recipe may not be streets of NOLA worthy, but it’s pretty good for an Alabama week night!


  1. Thanks for this recipe! I am a shrimp and grits fanatic and I tried this recipe a couple of weeks ago. My whole family LOVED it (which is saying A LOT)! We even had enough left overs that my husband and I made everyone at work jealous the next day (I was nice enough to share with a few co-workers who all loved it too). Since cooked grits don't keep so well, I made a couple of packets of instant grits at work and just added cheddar cheese and it worked pretty well.

  2. I'm so glad you all enjoyed this!! Thanks for sharing your experience! :)
