
Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Sea Scallops

What to cook next?  Lately, I've gotten really bored with my usual supper-time "go-to's" and desperately began searching for something that met several qualifications: A. new and different, B. low-fat but tasty, C. summery (Is that a word??), and D. easy to whip up after a long day at work.
I stumbled upon Bobby Flay's recipe for Grilled Sea Scallops with Avocado-Corn Relish on Crisp Tortillas(say that fast 3 times!) and changed it up a bit to suit me:

Change Number 1:  I have to be honest and say that if I had a gas grill, I would be firing up the grill for this recipe.  I love grilled scallops. LURRVE.  But I only have a charcoal grill, and I'm usually WAY too impatient and hungry by dinner time to wait on the coals to get ready, so I decided to pan-sear them instead.

Change Number 2: Because my little-bitty pocket-size sister is still trying to lose her last few baby weight lbs, I decided to nix the tortilla chips and serve with some veggies instead.

Change Number 3:  Anyone up for some recreational scalloping?  It's supposed to be a banner year!  I would love to go, but unfortunately, I'm not able to break away from my work station long enough to pluck my own fresh scallops out of the Gulf.  Therefore, I plucked my own...right out of the freezer section at the Lanett Kroger.  I'm pretty sure Bobby Flay didn't do this, but what they hey...I bought them frozen and plopped them in the frig over night to thaw...and they were goooooood :)
So, here's my version of Bobby Flay's recipe:

Pan-seared Sea Scallops with Avocado Salsa

Avocado-Corn Salsa:
2 avocado, peeled, pitted and cubed
1 cup roasted corn kernels
3 T. finely diced red onion
1/4 c. coarsely chopped cilantro
1/4 c. fresh lime juice
2 T. sour cream

2 bags frozen sea scallops
olive oil

For the salsa:
1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.  To roast the corn, I tossed about a tablespoon of olive oil with a cup of frozen corn (b/c believe it or not there was no fresh corn on the cob to be found) and sprinkled it with salt and pepper. I baked it for about 10 minutes until soft and then broiled it for a few to crisp the outside.  Watch carefully.  It won't take long--I almost had burnt pop corn!

2. Dice two avocados.  Click here to learn a really easy way to cut avocado. Here's a pic...

3. Finely dice red onion and chop cilantro.

4.  Squeeze the juice of two small limes on the avocado to prevent it from browning.

5.  Toss in your sour cream.

6.  Once the corn is cool throw it into the party, too.

7.  Stir everything together, and salt and pepper to taste!  Store in the frig until ready to serve.  I actually prepared this the night before, so I could quickly get dinner on the table.

For the scallops:
1.  Pat each scallop dry with a paper towel and salt and pepper both sides.

2.  Heat 3tablespoons of olive oil in a non-stick skillet. 

3.  Place about 5 scallops in the skillet at a time (so as not to overcrowd the pan).  Cook for about three minutes on each side.

That's really all there is to it!  It's so easy, and met and perhaps exceeded all of my expectations.  Try it this summer and you'll feel like you're indulging in a special treat!

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