
Monday, September 17, 2012

Sour Cream and Bacon Crockpot Chicken

So…I have this new job.  Generally, I work a normal schedule.  However, there are peak times where we are swamped and work like Hebrew slaves.  During those heavy work days, there’s not much time to spend on cooking a meal.  Thus, my fast food spending habits have left me with empty pockets and extra pounds.  In an effort to curb this, I decided to wipe the dust off the ol’ crockpot.

I discovered this recipe on the blog "Moms with Crockpots" .  Though I’m not a mom, being the rebel that I am, I decided to give it a whirl.  It’s gotta be good if it has bacon AND sour cream. 
Here's the ingredients:

  • 8 bacon slices
  • 8 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 2 (10 oz) cans roasted garlic cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • Salt and pepper to taste

    First, lightly cook the bacon in a skillet.  Make sure it's still workable enough to wrap around the chicken. 

    Next, wrap one piece of bacon around each chicken breast and place in crock pot.
    In a separate bowl, combine both cans of soup, sour cream, and flour.  Works best to mix it with a whisk to get all the lumps out.
    Pour soup mixture over the chicken. Cover crockpot and cook on high for 6-8 hours.  I cooked mine on high for 5 hours, and it was delish and tender.  The key is to know your crockpot.  If it's an older model, you may very well need to cook it the full 8 hours.  The newer models seem to cook faster.
    Click here for the link to the full recipe.
    It was so easy to prepare.  Less than 10 minutes of prep time, and leave the rest to the crockpot! I served mine over a bed of rice.  You can also serve over noodles.  However, it is good enough to stand alone if you aren't a lover of carbs as I am. 
    So…for all you busy people out there who think you don’t have time to fix a good meal, think again!  It takes minimal time and tastes like you slaved all day!  Happy eating!

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