
Monday, November 29, 2010

Have a Slice...On Us

Just in time to kick off the Christmas season we’re launching our first giveaway!  We hope you are all as excited as we are.  Our first giveaway (to be followed by many) will be Anna’s 6-Layer Dreamy Chocolate Mousse Cake!! I know all of you have wanted to try a piece, and here is your chance!  It’s easy to be entered into our drawing. 
Ways to enter:
1.       Leave a comment on this post telling us why you want to win this cake
2.       Become a follower of Everyday Re-Creations
3.       Give us a shout-out on your Facebook page, Twitter account, or on your personal blog including our link and then leave us a comment telling us you did so
That’s 5 chances you have to be entered into this drawing.  Those already following you are entered once, but be sure to do one of the other ways to better your chances.
Contest will close on Sunday, December 12th at 8:00 PM (ET).  Good Luck!


  1. I think I should win, because I already know how good it is!! And my birthday is Friday!!

  2. I think I should win because I didn't even know that Anna could make this cake. She's kept it a secret for long enough and I would LOVE to try it.

  3. Please please I want to win! I need this cake, I know papaw would love it! Once I try it I might venture to make my own!

  4. I would like to win because it looks delicious.

  5. I think I should win b/c it looks absolutely delicious!!!

  6. I need to win because I need chocolate, YUM!!! lol!

  7. I need to win this cake!!!! I have too many Leak people to feed during the holidays!!! oh yeah, and it looks wonderful too!!! I am happy to share this blog with my Woodstock, GA friends!

  8. I am 38 weeks pregnant! I do not want a slice, I want the whole darn thing ;)

  9. I think I should win because chocolate is my saving grace against the mind bending powers of my three lovely children! I am already drooling looking at it!

  10. Well...I want it! BUT I don't need it...FAT FAT FAT enough!!! Emily Pike

  11. I want to win because I would like to add another hump of fat to my looks so yummy!

  12. I think I should win because I spend all day almost everyday in a restaurant and rarely ever get any good home cooking.

  13. I think I should win because chocolate is my saving grace against the mind bending powers of my three lovely children. I am drooling already!

  14. 3 votes from the Boos house...Bella, Connor and Will all think I should win it because I'm a much easier wife and Mommy to live with when I have Chocolate :)

  15. I think I should win because I am 6 months pregnant and the baby wants this yummy cake.! :-)

  16. I think I should win because my son (active Navy) and his family will be with us during the Christmas holiday (coming home the week before Christmas)and he loves chocolate cake!!

  17. I shared this on facebook with my peeps! I want them to check ya'll out!

  18. I want to win because it looks incredibly delicious and I'd like to see how you would send it to Utah.

  19. and I just realized this contest closes on my due date....I mean come on! I think y'all just need to come right up to the hospital and lets all eat some cake while celebrating baby Kelton's birth ;)

  20. I deserve to win b/c I LOVE LOVE LOVE cake! :) And I've been craving chocolate cake for sooo long now!

  21. okay. here are the reasons why i deserve to win:

    #1 This is my birthday month

    #2 I am the Mom of 3 boys

    #3 (2) of these 3 boys are 2-year old twins

    #4 yes, I said I have 3 sons...

    #5 I love cake

    ~Love, Carla

  22. I should win because Addison loves this cake sooo much! She would be so happy to have dessert!

  23. I would like to win because it's impossible to cook anything with a 10 week old and chocolate is my favorite! Hope is right - there are a ton of Leaks to feed during the holidays!

    However, I think Meredith should win! The contest closing on your due date is a sign from up above:)
