
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Contest Update!

We are so excited about all the commotion around our cake!  We’re as anxious as you are to see who wins, but until then we have exciting news! Our sweet friend, Amy Burton, has decided to donate a Willow House ‘Adair Upside-Down Cake Stand’ with our 6-Layer Dreamy Chocolate Mousse Cake.  Now our lucky winner receives two prizes!! This cake stand is so neat; it can be used as a cake stand or a serving tray with a vase.  HUGE thanks to Amy!! Go check out her website for all Willow House products including this cool cake stand valued at $49.96!

Ways to enter:
1.       Leave a comment on this post telling us why you want to win this cake
2.       Become a follower of Everyday Re-Creations
3.       Give us a shout-out on your Facebook page, Twitter account, or on your personal blog including our link and then leave us a comment telling us you did so
Don’t forget you have until December 12th at 8:00 PM (ET) to enter!


  1. I wanna win.... that cake looks super yummy and I live with the Chocolate Cake monster! (It's a new cake right? Not the same one in the picture??? I think that one would be good and molded by December the 8th) If it's the one in the picture I personally disqualify myself! :)

  2. I want to win because when I looked at this picture, my son said "Oh my, mom, is that gonna be for me?" Not to mention it looks fabulous!!!! :)

  3. I want to win because the cake looks yummy and I'm loving this blog! It's so funny and informative! Great job, girls!

  4. I want to win because I like cake, especially when someone else makes it!!

  5. I hope you ship to far away places....because I wanna win that yummy chocolate cake. I think I just gained ten pounds by looking at it.

    I think I will head right over to my blog and give you a shout out there....I love your blog, can't wait to see what you guys come up with next.

  6. I know it's great. I tasted an earlier model last year. It's a chocolate lovers DREAM!!!!!!!!! Charles

  7. I want to win this cake so I can serve it as my own and avoid cooking , yet again:) haha. I LOVE reading about your cooking experiences and they are motivating me to try a few things 'from scratch' too!
    Thanks ladies!
    Julie Smith
    Shouting out on facebook next!:)

  8. I want to win this cake because it looks SO YUMMY!!! And if I don't win then I might have to try and actually make it myself. Again, I said might!! Love your blog ladies!!! :)

  9. I want to win this yummy looking cake. I especially want it so that my grandson, Cayden, can have it if Cori does not win it. He wants it badly so of course I want it for him. In saying that, I want a piece of his cake too !! Love your blog. Ya'll are doing a great job!!

  10. I would love to win this cake because I stink at baking and really cooking in general:) - and my family would be most appreciative of something yummy being brought into our house!
